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“No two nations are as alike as Pakistanis and Indians” “People on both sides of border want to meet each other because they share same culture, history, language, values and...


If war is not the answer, peace has to be “Pakistan-India relations have not been very pleasant for the last 65 years for various reasons and biases. Both countries are nuclear powers so it...


Imagine the heavenly smell of stable peace “Pakistan and India must focus on culture exchange initiatives, especially for the youth, who play an instrumental role in every culture.Aman ki Asha...
‘All I wanted was a moment alone, to sit and weep’

‘All I wanted was a moment alone, to sit and weep’

Legendary writer and poet Gulzar meets a young Pakistani at his home in Mumbai and talks about India Pakistan relations, his relationship with Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi, and his recent visit to his...