India Pakistan peace supporters have participated in several global prayer vigils in past years. What have these actions accomplished? We don’t know for sure but we do know that there is power in prayer, individual and collective, by persons of any faith or secular vision. Perhaps things would be even worse if we didn’t. We share here an appeal from a humanist of the highest order.
A Minute for Peace with Pope Francis – June 8, 2017 at 1.00 p.m
Pope Francis is asking every person on earth to take 1 minute on June 8th at 1:00pm your time zone and bow your head where ever you are and pray for peace, everyone according to their own tradition and belief.

Interfaith leaders hold objects representing inter-religious dialogue. Credit: Apostleship of Prayer/Screenshot
Please share this appeal with your networks. “We all know the power of prayer, let’s storm heaven with this one” – Dr Mohini Giri.
WHEN: June 8
TIME: 1:00pm your time zone
WHAT: Peace in the World
In response to the constant appeal by Pope Francis never to tire of praying and working for peace, the promoters of this initiative are asking their members and all men and women of good will to stop for a minute at 1 p.m. on 8 June – at the workplace, in the street, at home – to pray for peace.
Post-script: Heads up for the annual Celebrating Days for Peace (Aug 14-15) initiative – people-initiated designated days of joint celebration of independence and freedom from colonial rule. Over the last six years, an additional dimension to this celebration is that people of all faiths around the world are taking the time to pray for peace between India and Pakistan. Let’s make it even bigger this year, marking 70 years of independence.
Let us all pray for peace and happiness for the whole world.