

Spot the difference

“I had always thought that there wasn’t, and there couldn’t be, much difference between Pakistanis and Indians. My belief was reinforced when I made some amazing Pakistani friends in college abroad.The history that the two countries share remains within the minds of the politicians of both countries and in the minds of those who have been taught to embrace hatred. This hatred simply does not exist in the educated minds of today’s generation, unless someone plants it there.

When we study the same subjects in the same classroom, sitting next to each other, the only thought that fascinates me is that we share similar thinking, culture, food habits, language, sports, and call me racist, but we’re of the same race as well. It’s almost as if I can see the similarities bringing the countries closer than before, so much so that the differences are already fading away in clouds of happiness and peace.

Vanisha Sharma
New Delhi, India”

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