

Waiting for peace

“For peace between Pakistan and India it is important to understand that at the northwestern corner of the subcontinent, lie the disputed areas called Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir.

Economic interdependence is said to bring peace but there is hardly an example of developing countries that have been able to resolve a territorial conflict through economic interdependence. India has had vigorous economic relations with China for decades but the territorial disputes between both countries remain at a standstill, and continue to ignite tensions between the countries.

At a time when the leaders of both countries are mutually suggesting a healthier relationship in the future, the people of Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir are watching them closely and attaching high hopes for a possible solution to their dispute in the near future. With love to India from Pakistan!

Faiz Ahmed Faiz,
From Gilgit, student at Quaid e Azam University, Islamabad”

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