

If war is not the answer, peace has to be

“Pakistan-India relations have not been very pleasant for the last 65 years for various reasons and biases. Both countries are nuclear powers so it would be foolish to go to war with each other. So if war is not the answer, then “peace” has to be.

There are many Track Two efforts organised by various civil society organisations to improve relations between the two countries. Aman ki Asha is one such effort organized by Jang Group Pakistan and The Times of India.

We need to support such efforts. Good relations are in the interest of both countries. We have the example of Germany and France, where peace efforts have turned enemies into friends.

We must get out of this rut once and for all. Bilateral trade will not only help in improving the economic condition but will also develop person to person contact while we discuss and resolve bilateral issues. Let the process continue.

Hassan Mahmood Yousafzai Telecommunication engineer,
Peshawar, Pakistan’
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